Tuesday, November 1, 2011

MF Global: Good Bets, Bad Timing?

The graves of Wall Street, it has long been said, are filled with those who were right too soon.


Notions on high and low finance.

The great irony of the failure of MF Global, the firm run by Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and the former chief executive of Goldman Sachs, is that its bets will, in the long run, probably turn out to have been good ones. He is said to have bet large sums that Europe would not let countries like Italy and Spain default. If that was right, then the elevated interest rates available on government bonds represented a phenomenal bargain.

Notions on high and low finance.

And so it may be. But even it proves to play out just as Mr. Corzine forecasted, it won’t do MF, or Mr. Corzine’s reputation, any good.

Whatever is going to happen in the future, in the present sovereign bond prices have been sliding.

An unleveraged investor could have ridden out the current downturn, but MF, as is the fashion on Wall Street, was heavily leveraged. Its June 30 balance sheet showed $44.4 billion of liabilities and only $1.4 billion of equity. The firm was heavily dependent on short-term funding, with less than half a billion in long-term debt. That meant the firm was vulnerable if the value of its holdings fell, or if its lenders simply got nervous and demanded more collateral to back the loans.

Some combination of that may have happened.

There are a couple of obvious questions. Did MF take risks that were too large or too concentrated? Risk officers are supposed to keep that from happening, but when the chief executive is the trader that is not easy to do. Were there margin calls that MF deemed unreasonable? Will it complain about its lenders? Wouldn’t it be fun if Mr. Corzine blamed Goldman for his problems?

This is a reminder of the wisdom of the Volcker Rule. Let gambling be done by those that cannot call on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Treasury for a bailout, and by those that do not have access to low-cost insured deposits.

It is also a reminder that liquidity can be a fair-weather thing. It was only a week ago that we were hearing that MF had all kinds of available liquidity. Now it has filed for bankruptcy protection.

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