Thursday, September 29, 2011

Solyndra bankruptcy is aberration, solar power executives say


National media "chatter" surrounding the much-publicized bankruptcy of Fremont, Calif., solar panel producer Solyndra Inc. and the loss of $535 million in federal loan guarantees is hurting more successful renewable energy companies and obscuring the new industry's success, solar executives said.

In a conference call Thursday, members of Californians for Clean Energy & Jobs, a coalition of green businesses and environmentalists, said they wanted to put the Solyndra scandal into context. The controversy led to high-profile hearings in Congress and widespread Republican party criticism of the Obama administration.

The solar executives stressed that solar panel costs have plummeted, fueling increased residential and commercial demand for renewable energy. Additionally, the solar industry has come up with creative financing programs that allow homeowners to get off the utility electric grid without having to invest large amounts of money in buying rooftop solar systems.

"Solar power is becoming more affordable every day," with costs down 30% in the last year, said Arno Harris, chief executive of Recurrent Energy in San Francisco, a large developer of solar photovoltaic panel projects. "We need to look beyond the failure of one company and see the tremendous success."

Solyndra, whose high-tech plant was visited by President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, made less than two-tenths of 1% of solar panels on the market, said David Hochschild, vice president of Solaria Corp. in Fremont, which makes photovoltaic modules. The solar industry, he said, has grown by an average of 65% per year the last decade.

Sungevity Solar Home Specialists of Oakland has tripled the number of employees to 300 this year, said President Danny Kennedy. The company puts solar systems on homes without requiring any upfront payments from customers. It then leases the equipment, usually at far less cost than the electric bills they used to get, Kennedy said.

"This is a very affordable way for consumers to control costs at home, particularly in this uncertain environment," said Lynn Jurich, president of SunRun Inc. of San Francisco, which also installs and leases home solar systems.

Despite its growth and success, the solar industry still needs support from government in the form of tax credits, loan guarantees and subsidies, the executives said.

"Those programs are critical in generating success," said Hochschild. "Solar is on the cusp of playing a large role in mainstream markets."


Solyndra's collapse is a tale of too much dazzle

Obama advisers raised warning flags before Solyndra bankruptcy

Obama administration approves 2 solar loans worth $1 billion

-- Marc Lifsher

Photo: Solar panel construction at the Sacramento Municipal Utility District in 2009. Credit: Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press.


Americans are saving more in 401(k) retirement plans

If there's a bright side to the troubled economy and ever-rising medical costs, perhaps this is it: A new survey shows American workers are saving more in their 401(k)s to fortify themselves against the financial gloom they see around them.

Over the last year, 41% of people with 401(k) retirement accounts have boosted their contribution rates (up from 31% last year), while 11% expect to stash away the maximum $16,500 allowed under federal tax law (it was 8% a year ago), according to an annual survey by Mercer, a unit of Marsh & McLennan Cos.

The change is driven largely by deepening concerns about the economy.

Of those surveyed, 45% fear losing their jobs (up from 36% a year ago) while 44% expect to delay retirement (it was 35% last year). And the seemingly unstoppable rise in retiree health costs is registering with American workers: 36% said saving for healthcare is a major goal, up from 24% a year earlier.

"Participants seem to be saying that they can no longer rely on market performance, their employer or the government to build their retirement savings for them, but must take control of every aspect they can in order to provide for a successful retirement," said Suzanne Nolan, marketing and communications director for Mercer’s U.S. outsourcing business.

It's positive that people are taking greater control of their finances -- even if for depressing reasons -- but it's only part of the story.

The survey depicts Americans who already participate in 401(k) plans -- i.e., a self-selected group that tends to be financially aware and motivated. And to contribute to a 401(k), you have to have a job in the first place.

The bigger risk is for the millions of Americans who have little retirement savings, or who have lost their jobs and are raiding their nest eggs to buy food or pay the mortgage.

For them, their retirement hopes may rest on the ability of the economy to turn around.


Second quarter economic growth revised up as jobless claims fall

Typical 30-year mortgage in U.S. back above 4%, Freddie Mac says 

Smart money is a rare positive for the stock market 

-- Walter Hamilton

Photo: Golf course at Homestead Resort in Midway, Utah.

Peoria Got a Raise


Dollars to doughnuts.

In the first quarter of this year, the average weekly wage in the United States increased by 5.2 percent, to $935, compared to the same period last year. But in Peoria County, Ill., workers received an average raise of 18.9 percent, to $944.

Dollars to doughnuts.

That’s according to a report released Thursday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on employment and pay for the 322 largest counties.

The county with the biggest cut in average weekly wages was Williamson County, Tex., where wages fell 3.8 percent, to $953.

In raw dollar figures, New York County (Manhattan) once again had the highest average weekly wage, at $2,634, and the biggest raise, at $222 (9.2 percent).

The county with the biggest increase in employment was also in the Midwest: Elkhart County, Ind., which gained 6.2 percent more jobs over the year, compared to the national average of 1.2 percent job growth. Elkhart County was primarily buoyed by manufacturing, which added 5,125 jobs over the year (12.4 percent).

On the other hand, Sacramento County, Calif., lost the highest percentage of jobs of all the major counties. Its employment fell by 1.6 percent year over year.

Bank of America to charge $5 monthly fee for debit card purchases


Most Bank of America customers will soon see a new charge on their statements -- $5 for any month in which they use a BofA debit card to make a purchase.

Consumers should prepare for more such charges, analysts say, as big banks strive to recover revenue they have lost to financial reforms adopted in the aftermatch of the economic meltdown.

The new Bank of America fee will be phased in early next year, said Anne Pace, a spokeswoman for BofA, the nation's largest retail bank.

Customers will still be able to use their cards at the bank's automated teller machines without being charged, the bank said Thursday.

They also can make debit purchases free if they have a mortgage from Bank of America or if they have a total of $20,000 on deposit at Bank of America and in certain Merrill Lynch accounts (you may recall that Bank of America's corporate parent bought Merrill Lynch as the financial crisis set in).

The bank, like others, has been testing ways to recover debit-card revenue that is going away because of new regulations.

Banks previously had charged merchants 44 cents on average every time they accepted a debit card for a purchase. Under new regulations that take effect Saturday, banks with more than $10 billion in assets will be able to charge merchants only 21 cents to 24 cents per transaction.

Bank of America and other big banks have said they will compensate by charging customers. "The economics of offering debit cards have changed," Pace said in an interview.

Merchant trade groups, which had engaged in a long and bitter lobbying war over the swipe" fees charged for debit-card purchases, said the changes would result in consumers paying lower prices for goods and services.

“Hidden fees are bad for consumers and bad for competition,” Jennifer Hatcher, vice president of government relations at the Food Marketing Institute, said in a statement.

“While the banks seem to try to skim every penny they can from their customers, retailers are doing everything that they can to educate consumers and protect them from hidden debit fees.”

Bank of America only plans to ding customers for $5 if they actually buy something with a debit card in any given month: no purchase, no fee. The fee applies no matter how many purchases are made in a month, Pace said, so a single purchase or 100 purchases, for example, would result in the same $5 charge. 


Debit cards poised to get much costlier

Regulators raise proposed limit on debit card fees

Bank deposits soar despite rock-bottom interest rates

-- E. Scott Reckard

Photo: A customer swipes a debit card to make a purchase in Seattle. Credit: Associated Press / Elaine Thompson

Job Losses Across the Developed World


Dollars to doughnuts.

Across the developed world, the biggest job losses in the 2008-9 downturn were in mining, manufacturing and utilities, according to new data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Dollars to doughnuts.

Here’s a chart showing job losses and gains by sector for a selection of developed countries. Bars above the horizontal axis show industries that added jobs, and bars below the axis show industries that lost jobs. The red bars refer to jobs lost in mining, manufacturing and utilities:

Across the entire O.E.C.D., job losses in this sector equaled 35.3 percent of total employment changes in 2008 and 2009.

The biggest gains, by contrast, were in community, personal and social services (the light blue bars).

This is probably no surprise to people who have been following job trends in the United States, where the health industry has been going gangbusters in both good and bad economies. But actually growth across the broader sector has been smaller in the United States than elsewhere in the developed world.

In the United States, growth in community, personal and social services totaled 8.2 percent of overall employment changes in 2008-9, whereas across all O.E.C.D. member countries this supersector added jobs that equaled 18.3 percent of total job changes during the same period.

Consumer Confidential: BofA fee, casino bust, National Coffee Day

Bank of America fees
Here's your the-very-thought-of-you Thursday roundup of consumer news from around the Web:

--Another day, another new bank fee. This time it's Bank of America, which reportedly plans to charge customers a $5 monthly fee for making debit-card purchases starting early next year. The fee will apply to customers with various checking accounts during any month they use their debit card to make a purchase. The fee will not apply to customers who do not use their debit card to make a purchase or who only use it to make ATM transactions. BofA is trying to cushion revenue losses it expects to incur from new caps on the fees merchants pay when a customer uses a debit card at their stores. In June, the Federal Reserve Board finalized rules capping such fees at 24 cents per transaction, compared with a current average of 44 cents.

--Luck be a liposuction tonight. The Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort plans to give $25,000 worth of plastic surgery to a winner from a player's card contest. The lucky one can mix and match surgeries including breast enhancements, tummy tucks, liposuction and face lifts until the total hits $25,000. According to the website, an arm lift can cost $5,000 to $6,500; Botox treatments range from $200 to $400 per area; breast augmentation surgery costs from $5,000 to $8,000; chin or cheek implants cost $3,000 to $4,500; and liposuction can range from $2,500 to $10,000.

--It's National Coffee Day (whoo-hoo!). And to celebrate, our friends at 7-Eleven, Krispy Kreme and Dunkin' Donuts are giving away free or discounted coffee. And if you're the sort of person who believes "I need a cup of coffee to start my day," you're not alone. Three out of five Americans think that about their first morning cup, according to a survey commissioned by 7-Eleven. Moreover, your career could dictate whether you're more likely chug coffee during the day, according to a Dunkin' Donuts/Career Builder survey. The top five professions likely to have a serious java jones are: scientist/lab Technician, marketing/public relations professional, educator/administrator, editor/writer and healthcare administrator. I'm sure newspaper columnist falls somewhere in there as well.

-- David Lazarus

Photo: Your BofA debit card may soon cost you $5 a month. Credit: Peter Foley / EPA


Wall Street: Stocks and gold bounce

Wall Street
Gold: Trading now at $1,622 an ounce, up 0.3% from Wednesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 11,178.20, up 1.5% from Wednesday.

Good morning. Investors are feeling hopeful this morning after a vote in Germany and new data in the U.S. on unemployment and economic growth.

HP turns to Goldman. To deal with potentially hostile activist investors, Hewlett-Packard has hired a company that has experience with hostile activist investors, Goldman Sachs. 

Disappointed by banks. Investor Stephen Ross collected money to invest in banks, but his analysis of banks has disappointed him so much that he has given the money back.

Lewis on California. After providing probing analysis of what is wrong with the economies of Iceland and Greece, Michael Lewis now turns his attention to California.

A picture of protesters. Can't make it to the Wall Street protests yourself -- here is a photo gallery of 50 of the protesters camped in lower Manhattan.

-- Nathaniel Popper in New York

Photo credit: Stan Honda / Getty Images

Second quarter economic growth revised up as jobless claims fall

Boeing Chief Executive Jim McNerney The economy grew at an annual rate of 1.3% from April through June, an anemic but slightly better pace than the most recent estimate of 1%, federal officials said Thursday.

The revised data on total economic output, also known as gross domestic product, narrowly beat expectations and came as the Labor Department reported another hopeful signal -- weekly claims for unemployment insurance dropped by 37,000 last week to 391,000, the lowest figure since early April.

Economists say claims below 400,000 are a positive sign for job growth. The unemployment rate was 9.1% in August after the economy failed to add any new jobs.

The two government reports indicate fears of another recession are unwarranted right now, said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist for the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in New York.

"The economy is not teetering on the edge of a cliff, getting ready to fall over into a recession," he said.

The definition of a recession is two straight quarters of negative growth. In the first three months of the year, the economy barely grew, expanding at an annual rate of just 0.4%, leading to fears of double-dip recession as the economy struggled to recover from the deep downturn that technically ended in June 2009.

The Commerce Department originally had estimated second-quarter economic growth at 1.3% in July, but revised the figure down to 1% last month.

Despite the somewhat improving outlook, major corporate chief executives aren't very optimistic about the direction of the economy. Their expectations for sales, capital expenditures and adding U.S. jobs dropped significantly in the third quarter, according to findings released Thursday from the Business Roundtable's CEO Economic Outlook Survey.

"While we still see strong business fundamentals in America, the quarterly survey results reflect increased uncertainty among CEOs concerning the economic climate and business environment, said Boeing Co. Chief Executive Jim McNerney, chairman of the group.

For example, the survey found that 36% of CEOs expected to add employees in the U.S. in the next six months, down from 51% in the second-quarter survey; 24% expected to lay off workers over the same period, up from 11%.

McNerney and the group's president, John Engler, said that although the outlook by corporate leaders was down, they were not anticipating a recession. The survey's overall index showed expectations of positive growth.

"We’re still in the expansion category, albeit at a slower anticipated rate than the last quarter," McNerney said.

The CEOs survey estimated that GDP would grow by 1.8% in 2011, down from a projection of 2.8% in the second quarter survey.


Obama jobs plan spurs cautious hope among businesses

Fed official says central bank should keep trying to boost growth

No new jobs added in August as unemployment rate holds at 9.1%

 -- Jim Puzzanghera

 Photo: Boeing Co. Chief Executive Jim McNerney. Credit: Bloomberg.


Typical 30-year mortgage in U.S. back above 4%, Freddie Mac says

Freddie sign - AP - Pablo Martinez MonsivaisBlink and you may have missed it -- the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage rate has crept higher since plunging to a record low of less than 4% late last week.

Freddie Mac, which polls lenders across the nation each Monday through Wednesday about rates, said Thursday that the 30-year loan was being offered at 4.01% on average for solid borrowers who paid 0.7% of the loan balance upfront in lender fees and points.

In the Western U.S., including California, the typical rate was lower at 3.95% early this week. Both figures are records for the survey, which was started in 1971.

Well-qualified borrowers who shop around often find slightly better rates and it's also an option to reduce the interest rate on a loan by paying more upfront points.

Freddie pegged the average rate at 4.09% in its releases for Sept. 15 and Sept 22. Those surveys missed the record low set when the yield on the 10-year Treasury  note, a benchmark for fixed mortgage rates,  dropped to 1.72% Sept. 22.

That same day, many gauges showed the average rate for a 30-year fixed-rate loan well under 4% on average. The direction of both mortgage rates and Treasury yields has been up ever since, with the 10-year Treasury yield back above 2% this Tuesday and Wednesday, and edging higher still early Thursday.

John West, a senior loan officer at Catalyst Lending in Tustin, said he spent last weekend on the phone explaining to clients that rates already had risen again. One factor was "pipeline management," he said: lenders quoting higher rates because they already were overwhelmed with applications to refinance.

"We’re all issuing a collective sigh of relief that rates have, at least temporarily, gone back up this week," West said. "We all need time to regroup and get caught up."

There was no respite, however, in jumbo mortgages, the home loans banks keep on their books because they are too large to be sold to or guaranteed by government-controlled mortgage firms like Freddie Mac.

While jumbo rates were, as always, higher than those for smaller mortgages, they continued to fall this week, West said.

"I have a stack of jumbo loan applications from borrowers who had been sitting on the sidelines and balking at refinancing until now," he said.


Mortgage rates drop to once unthinkable lows at less than 4%

Reports of boom-era mortgage fraud on rise

Home prices, steady over summer, may resume descent

-- E. Scott Reckard

Photo: Monument sign at Freddie Mac's McLean, Va., headquarters. Credit: Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press

German vote and economic data send stocks up

Stocks shot up this morning after investors got a number of encouraging signals about the European financial crisis and the U.S. economy.

The Dow Jones industrial average was up 219.98 points, or 2%, to 11,230.88 in early trading.

The German parliament voted overwhelmingly today to strengthen a European bailout fund for some of the European Union's weaker members, despite popular opposition to the plan. Investors had worried that a German rejection would scuttle hopes for a solution to the continent's debt crisis.

Leading indexes were recently up 1.8% in Germany and 1.6% in France.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the Commerce Department announced that the economy had grown faster than previously estimated in the second quarter of this year -- at a rate of 1.3%. This was also faster than economists had predicted.

A separate report showed that the number of people filing for unemployment benefits last week dropped by 37,000 from the previous week, to the lowest level since April.

Economists were cautious in taking too much hope from the new data. The data about economic growth are from the second quarter and much of the concern now is on falling economic activity in the current third quarter and moving forward. The Labor Department warned that the unemployment figures out today were likely skewed by a quirk of the calendar.

"Nothing in the data suggests that the economy has deviated much from [a] shallow growth trajectory," Steve Ricchiuto, the chief economist at Mizuho Securities, wrote in a note to clients this morning.

The rising stock prices this morning came after two down days in the markets.


German media mock U.S. advice on debt crisis

Smart money is a rare positive for the stock market

-- Nathaniel Popper in New York

Smart money is a rare positive for the stock market

Looking for a silver lining amid the stock market's recent travails?

One Wall Street veteran offers this: An index measuring the trading patterns of institutional investors paints a rather bullish picture of the market going forward.

The smart money index -- so called because it measures the trading of supposedly in-the-know institutional investors, such as hedge funds -- indicates that the Standard & Poor's 500 index could reach roughly 1,325. That would be a 15% advance from the 1,151.06 at which it closed Wednesday.

The smart money index bottomed in mid-August, along with the S&P 500, but has rallied since then while the actual index has stagnated.

"While the smart money index is not one of our primary metrics, it has been a useful guide in gauging bottoms," Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank, wrote in a note to clients.

The index places extra emphasis on trading patterns in the final half-hour of each day, which is dominated by institutional investors. (Big-money players often place their bets late in the day after assessing economic news and market developments.)

Conversely, the index de-emphasizes trading in the first 30 minutes of the day, when activity from small investors is heaviest. (That's when online brokerages execute orders that individual investors -- the so-called dumb money -- have placed the previous night.)

The logic is that the dumb money will eventually follow the smart money as soon as the trends that institutions saw early on become obvious to the hoi polloi.

Small investors can only hope things play out like they did two years ago, when the smart money index presaged the end of the bear market that was induced by the global financial crisis. The index rallied in advance of the March low, signaling that a sustainable advance was on the way.

"In a market with few technical positives, the smart money index is a standout," Ablin said.


Small investors feel -- what else? -- gloomy

Fed to monitor Facebook, Twitter to snoop on critics?

Reports of boom-era mortgage fraud on rise

-- Walter Hamilton

Photo: Getty Images

Argentina and a eurozone breakup

Sigh! Some readers, commenting on my column for this morning's Daily Telegraph on the eurozone crisis, say the arguments are right but I've reached the wrong conclusions in thinking that the best outcome for the UK is for Europe to move closer towards fiscal union.

Actually, I didn't really say that but what I did argue is that the consequences of a disorderly breakup or series of defaults would be economically catastrophic for both Europe and us here in Britain. There is good reason to doubt the legitimacy of the estimates recently produced by UBS. I too don't think the effect would be that large (up to 50pc of GDP for weaker countries. UBS says), but we are only arguing about differences of degree here.

Mass liquidation would be the order of the day, which might be OK if you don't work, own agricultural land and have all your savings under the bed in gold bars, but for everyone else would be an economic calamity to match that of the 1930s, and we all know what that led to.

As I say, once the omelette is made, it cannot be unscrambled without consequences. Comparisons with Argentina, which is now apparently booming again after abandoning its dollar peg, are invalid. For starters, the immediate consequences for Argentina were horrific – a collapse in GDP, the destruction of middle class savings and pensions, and so on.

But the real point is that Argentina was not in a currency union, which meant that the banking crisis associated with the collapse of the sovereign was largely confined to Argentina. So called "spill over" effects were limited. In Europe, the banking system is now so heavily integrated that for one part of it to go down imperils the rest. Credit across Europe would contract violently, causing a depression.

What is more, Argentina devalued and defaulted against a backdrop of relatively benign external conditions. The world economy was growing strongly, and a commodities boom came along to supercharge the recovery. None of that's likely to be true for the European periphery, which in any case, is in far worse shape in terms of the size of national debts and current account deficits than Argentina was back then.

I hope that answers some of my critics.

What Would It Take to Save Europe?

Simon Johnson, the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, is the co-author of “13 Bankers.”

Official Washington was gripped last weekend by euphoria, at least briefly, as people attending the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund began to talk about how much money it would take to stabilize the situation in Europe. At least one éminence grise suggested that 1.5 trillion euros should do the trick; others were more inclined to err on the side of caution, and their estimates ran as high as four trillion euros.

Today’s Economist

Perspectives from expert contributors.

This is a lot of money. Germany’s annual gross domestic product is only about 2.5 trillion euros, and the combined G.D.P. of the entire euro zone is about 9.5 trillion euros. The idea is that providing a huge package of financial support would awe the markets into submission –- meaning that people would stop selling their holdings of Italian or Spanish debt, and thus stop pushing up interest rates.

Perspectives from expert contributors.

Ideally, investors would also give Greece and Portugal some time to find their way to back to growth.

But this is the wrong way to think about the problem. The issue is not money in the form of external financial support, whether provided by the I.M.F. or other countries to parts of the European Union. The real questions are whether Italy will get complete and unfettered access to the European Central Bank, and when we will know.

The big-package approach to economic stabilization was most famously demonstrated in the 1994-95 Mexican crisis. With Mexico’s currency under great pressure, President Ernesto Zedillo and Finance Minister Guillermo Ortiz arranged a $45 billion loan, a large part of which came from the United States.

This may look small today, but it was then seen as a large amount of support. President Zedillo famously remarked that when markets overreact, policy should in turn overreact — meaning, in this context, put more money on the table than is needed. When the financial firepower made available is overwhelming, as it was in the Mexican case, it does not have to be used — in fact, the Mexican loan was repaid in about a year.

But this version of Mexican events skips an important detail. While the external financial support helped prevent the complete collapse of the currency, the Mexican peso did depreciate significantly, which helped immensely. Before the crisis, Mexico had a large current account deficit: it was importing more than it was exporting, and the difference was covered by capital inflows (mostly foreigners willing to lend to the Mexican government).

When the peso fell in value, exporting from Mexico became much more attractive; an export boom of this kind always helps close the current account deficit and stimulate the economy in a sensible manner.

Important parts of the euro zone, like Portugal, Greece and perhaps Italy, badly need a reduction in their real costs of production. If their currencies were independent, this could be achieved by a depreciation of their market value. But this is not an option within the euro zone, and it is within the zone that they need to become more competitive.

These countries could cut nominal wages — a course of action being pursued, for example, in Latvia. But Latvia is a special case for many reasons, including its desire to become much closer with the euro zone, which it aspires to join. It is unlikely that any Western European government making such a proposal would last long.

Unable to move the exchange rate and unwilling to cut wages, the Portuguese government is embarked on an innovative course of “fiscal devaluation,” meaning it will cut payroll taxes, to reduce the cost of labor, while increasing the value added tax, or VAT (a tax on consumption), as a way to maintain fiscal revenues.

Unfortunately, “innovative” in the context of stabilization policies often means “unlikely to succeed” — and the precise implementation of this plan, with some very complex details, seems fraught with danger.

Europe needs a new fiscal governance mechanism, to be sure. Why would Germany — or anyone else — trust Italy under Silvio Berlusconi with a big loan or unlimited access to credit at the European Central Bank?

Greece and some other countries have serious budget difficulties. Most of the European periphery also faces a current account crisis, and something must be done to increase exports or reduce imports, or both.

If the exchange rate can’t depreciate, wages won’t be cut and “fiscal devaluation” proves unworkable, activity in these economies will need to slow a great deal in order to reduce imports and bring the current account closer to balance – unless you (or the Germans) are willing to extend these countries large amounts of unconditional credit for the indefinite future.

And if these economies slow, their ability to pay their government debts will increasingly be called into question. Last week the I.M.F. cut the growth forecast for Italy in 2012 to 0.3 percent. With interest rates rising toward 6 percent, it is easy to imagine Italy’s debt relative to G.D.P. climbing even further than in the still-benign official projections.

If Italy or any other euro-zone country were in good shape and could pay its debts, the European Central Bank could provide ample short-term support, through buying up bonds to prevent interest rates from reaching unreasonable levels.

The euro is a reserve currency — meaning investors around the world hold it as part of their rainy-day funds — and all European debt is denominated in euros. In Mexico in 1994, for example, much of its debt was in dollars; in such a situation, a foreign loan can help stabilize a crisis, because it provides reserves to the central bank, and this removes the fear that the exchange rate will depreciate excessively. But even in such a case the right policies have to be put in place.”

If Italy cannot pay its debt, then the European Central Bank has no business lending to it. The Europeans have to decide for themselves: Is Italy’s fiscal policy reasonable and responsible? If yes, provide full support as needed — from within the euro zone. If not, then find another way forward.

But please get a move on with this decision.

Why 50pc tax row misses the point: what about the squeezed middle?

New analysis which shows that the United Kingdom has the fourth highest top rate of income tax in the European Union will add to calls for the 50pc band to be scrapped – but I beg to disagree.

Global analysis by accountants KPMG found that out of 96 countries surveyed, only five had tax rates equal to or above the UK’s top rate, which takes effect when annual income exceeds £150,000.

Within the EU, we share our fourth highest tax rate with Belgium and Austria. Only Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands impose higher rates. Our top rate compares with the EU average of 37 pc and the Western European average of 45 pc.

Marc Burrows of KPMG, commented: “With doubts around what the 50pc top rate of tax is actually yielding, is the highest top rate of personal tax really a table that we want the UK to top?”

No, of course not, but while public finances are desperately stretched, even enthusiasts for less government and lower taxes – such as your humble correspondent – may feel there are more pressing candidates for fiscal reform.

Relatively few people are paid more than £150,000 a year but hundreds of thousands of the poorest people in Britain suffer marginal rates of tax higher than 50pc because of unintentional poverty traps. A toxic combination of income tax, National Insurance Contributions (NICs) and means-tested tax credit withdrawals hits hard-working members of the squeezed middle and means other people living on less than national average earnings have a top marginal tax rate of 73pc.

Hard to believe? Here’s how it works. People earning just over £6,420 – or less than a quarter of national average earnings, according to the Office for National Statistics – pay income tax at 20pc, plus NICs at 12pc and suffer tax credit clawbacks at 41pc; a total marginal tax rate of 73pc. That means they will be allowed to keep just 27p in every extra £1 they earn.

Mike Warburton of accountants Grant Thornton pointed out: “This means that someone earning as little as £144 a week keeps only 27 pence from every £1 that they earn above minimal limits. I am not sure how this reconciles with politicians’ promises to make work pay. It is hardly an incentive to get up early and make an  extra effort.”

Nor are unexpected and unwelcome tax spikes confined to people on very low earnings; marginal rates higher than 50pc also hit families earning just over £40,000.

Richard Mannion a director of accountants Smith & Williamson, said: “Under the tax credit system, families are entitled to a family entitlement of £545, but that is taken away at the rate of 41p for every £1 of income over £40,000. So that means that the entitlement is reduced to nil once income exceeds £41,330 and creates a 73pc tax spike between £40,000 and £41,330.

“The interplay between personal tax, NICs and means-tested benefits is horrendously complicated, but what is clear is that low earning families face the highest marginal rate of tax. This doesn’t sound fair to me; it certainly doesn’t sound like a system to encourage independence and make work pay.

“It is wholly unjust that families struggling to live on low incomes pay higher rates of marginal tax than those earning more. Charging less well off taxpayers at rates of 73pc just brings the system into disrepute.”

So, while I am all in favour of less tax, the Chancellor should set to work much lower down the income scale than £150,000 a year. That will win him far more friends – and votes – than worrying about the 50pc band, which can wait till later.

