Monday, October 31, 2011


There are lots of reasons why marriage can be a good financial investment, including that marriage correlates with higher lifetime earnings. But of course for one (soon to be former) celebrity couple — Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries — the payoff is much quicker, without that whole till-death-do-we-part commitment.

Ms. Kardashian, a reality TV persona, and Kris Humphries, a New Jersey Nets basketball player, were paid $17.9 million for media coverage and other promotional events related to their Aug. 20, 2011 wedding. Per The New York Post, these payments included:

* $15 million for four-hour, two-part wedding special on E!

* $2.5 million for exclusive photos with People magazine
* $300,000 for an exclusive engagement announcement with People
* $100,000 for exclusive rights to a bridal shower with Britain’s OK! mag
* $50,000 to have a bachelorette party at Tao in Las Vegas

And that’s not even including the in-kind payments they received, including $400,000 worth of Perrier Jouet Champagne and three $20,000 Vera Wang gowns.

Alas, on Monday the newlyweds announced their decision to divorce, 72 days after the wedding. As my colleague Don Van Natta Jr. points out, that comes to $10,358.80 per hour (or $5,179.40 each if split evenly, though I haven’t see the prenup).

Not a bad business to be in. I’m guessing that selling the publicity rights to the divorce hearings might be even more lucrative.

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