Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wall Street: Stocks up on European plan

Wall Street: The European debt deal is helping to send stocks up
Gold: Trading now at $1,723 an ounce, unchanged from Wednesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 12,095.29, up 1.9% from Wednesday.

European optimism. The European debt deal announced last night, along with some good economic data, is helping to send stocks up this morning.

Gimme shelter. As winter approaches in New York, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are said by CNBC to be looking for an inside space that will allow them to escape the cold.

Sad second act. The former head of Goldman Sachs and governor of New Jersey, Jon Corzine, made it his mission after leaving the governor's mansion to help a small brokerage firm rise -- instead the firm appears now to be close to implosion. 

Rolling Stone rant. Rolling Stone brings you the latest anti-Wall Street screed from the man who called Goldman Sachs the "vampire squid."

The SEC and the financial crisis. A ProPublica columnist says that the latest financial-crisis case -- this one against Citi -- suggests that the Securities and Exchange Commission appears to be deciding which cases to pursue based on who wrote the most imprudent emails.

-- Nathaniel Popper in New York

Photo credit: Stan Honda / Getty Images

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