Friday, September 23, 2011

Wall Street: Stocks mixed; gold falls again

Wall sign -- stan honda afp getty images
Trading now at $1,692 an ounce, down 2.8% from Thursday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 10676.12, down 0.5% from Thursday.

A bad week. Stocks bounced around uncertainly Friday morning as speculation built that central banks may take stronger action to stimulate the economy. Will it be enough to avoid the worst week on the markets since 2008?

Goldman losses. Some analysts are now predicting that Goldman Sachs will record its first quarterly loss since the financial crisis.

BofA sells pizza. In its effort to slim down and focus, Bank of America is selling a huge stake it holds in a Pizza Hut franchising business.

Can Harvard beat S&P? Would Harvard's vaunted endowment have been better off this year if it had just put its money in an S&P 500 index fund? Looks like it.  

Selling out. You know things are rough when the chief executive of one of the biggest Wall Street banks, Jefferies, is selling millions of shares in his own company.

Rogue traders. A look at the psychology driving rogue traders like the one who lost UBS some $2.3 billion recently.

-- Nathaniel Popper

Photo credit: Getty Images/Stan Honda


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