Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wall Street: Stocks and gold jump

Wall sign -- stan honda afp getty images

Gold: Trading now at $1,662 an ounce, up 4.2% from Monday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 11,260.28, up 2.0 % from Monday.

European hopes. The apparent readiness of European leaders to confront their financial problems is sending asset prices up around the globe.

A capital battle. International regulators are rejecting lobbying from big banks that want to be exempt  from new rules that would require them to hold more capital than smaller banks.

Goldman cuts. Goldman Sachs appears to be preparing for even worse results than anticipated and is drawing up plans to make deep cuts.

S&P's problem. A look at some of the controversial emails between Standard & Poor's employees discussing the mortgage-backed securities that may make the company a target of a federal lawsuit. 

Goldman alumni. A Connecticut congressman's past as a Goldman Sachs employee has helped him at times, but may be a liability with voters. 

-- Nathaniel Popper


Photo: Stan Honda / Getty Images

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