Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Strong North American trade numbers in July

In some encouraging news about the nation's economy, the value of surface transportation trade among the U.S., Canada and Mexico was 18.1% higher in July, at $72.4 billion, compared with the same month a year earlier, the U.S. Transportation Department's Bureau of Transportation Statistics announced Tuesday.

Chart The July figure represented a 40.4% increase from July 2009. Imports in July were up 60.7% compared with July 2001 and exports were up 100.8% over the same period.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics said that surface transportation includes freight movements by truck, rail, pipeline, mail, and foreign trade zones. The vast majority of trade among the three nations moves by land, at 85.2%. Another 10.8% moves by sea and just 4.1% moves by air. The numbers do not add up to 100% because of rounding.

Surface trade between the U.S. and Canada in July amounted to $42.5 billion. The comparable figure for trade between the U.S. and Mexico was $29.9 billion.


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-- Ronald D. White

Graphic: The chart tracks trade data over the 11-month periods between August 2010 and July 2011 and August 2009 and July 2010. Credit: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.


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