Monday, September 12, 2011

Most say businesses and consumers are over-regulated, poll finds

Jobs banner at Chamber of Commerce
Nearly three-quarters of voters think businesses and consumers are over-regulated by the government, according to poll results released Monday by the nonpartisan group Public Notice.

The survey also found that two-thirds of respondents said they think that regulations have increased over the last few years and that the regulatory burden has created uncertainty for small and large businesses. The result, according to 70% of the respondents: More jobs will move overseas.

The poll of about 800 likely voters has a margin of error 3.5 percentage points. It comes as lawmakers spar over the need for new regulations, particularly the hundreds of new rules coming from the Dodd-Frank financial-reform law.

Republicans and business groups have hammered the Obama administration for expanding the regulatory burden, saying it is stifling job creation. President Obama has called for agencies to weed out unneeded rules, and dozens have been identified after a broad review this year.

Public Notice is headed by Gretchen Hamel, who was a deputy assistant U.S. trade representative during the George W. Bush administration. The group has focused on the rising federal budget deficit and has been critical of government overspending.

"The American people know what's going on and plaguing this economy.  More spending and unnecessary regulation isn't the solution -– it’s the problem," Hamel said. "Policymakers should listen to the American people, cut the red tape and put in place policies that will finally put us on the road to a true, sustained recovery."

The poll's key finding, that 74% of respondents say they believe that there is too much regulation, included a breakdown by political affiliation. Republicans felt strongest on that point, at 91%, followed by independents at 75% and Democrats at 58%.


White House unveils streamlined business rules

Obama administration moves to cut unneeded regulations

Passage of financial overhaul is only half the battle

-- Jim Puzzanghera

Photo: Banners spelling out "JOBS" hang in front of the headquarters of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. Credit: AFP/Getty Images


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