Monday, August 1, 2011

Wall Street Roundup: Back to reality. Poker lessons.

Wall Street Gold: Trading now at $1,618 per ounce, down 0.8% from Friday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 12114.97, down 0.2% from Friday.

Back to reality. The relief over Sunday night's debt deal was brief this morning, as markets were quickly dragged back down by the latest bad economic data -- this time about weak manufacturing.

IPO redux. A number of investors have noticed that 40 days after many initial public offerings, stock prices surge again as analysts release their first reports.

Losing faith in Goldman. A British hedge fund has sold its big stake in Goldman Sachs, allegedly on fears about the bank's ability to prosper in the new regulatory regime. 

Poker lessons. One investor explains what he learned by playing poker.

-- Nathaniel Popper

Credit: EPA/Justin Lane


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