Friday, November 18, 2011

California unemployment rate edges downward in October


California's unemployment rate fell by two-tenths of a percentage point to 11.7% in October as the state created 25,700 new jobs, the Employment Development Department reported. The agency also reported Friday that it had revised job growth in September upward, to 39,200.

The state's unemployment rate one year ago was 12.5%.

The total of net new hirings in 2011 so far was 192,900, a substantial number but still a long ways off for compensating for the 1.3 million jobs lost in the recession of 2007-2009.

The national unemployment rate for October was 9%.

Seven categories of employment showed growth in October: construction, information, financial activities, professional and business services, educational and health services and leisure and hospitality.

The number of jobs decreased in manufacturing, trade and transportation, government and mining and logging, the EDD said.

Unemployment in Los Angeles County also fell by 0.2% to 12.2% in October, the EDD said.


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-- Marc Lifsher

Photo: Job-seeker at Career Partners center in Rosemead. Credit: Los Angeles Times

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