Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wall Street: Stocks up, gold down

Wall sign -- stan honda afp getty images

Gold: Trading now at $1,611 an ounce, down 0.3% from Tuesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 10883.49, up 0.7% from Tuesday.

Stocks up modestly. Some good data on private sector job creation and the service industry are sending stocks up modestly for the second straight day.

Geithner on banks. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner struck an aggressive tone in criticizing the efforts by banks to water down financial reform, saying that the Obama administration "will prevail."

Protesters meet bankers. People protesting Wall Street and employees of Wall Street banks have been running into each other regularly in recent weeks, and the conversations have occasionally been civil.

Foreign currency lawsuits. Bank of New York Mellon got hit with two government lawsuits for allegedly fraudulently charging states and public agencies for making foreign currency transactions. 

-- Nathaniel Popper

Photo credit: Getty Images/Stan Honda

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