Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Volcker is right: a little inflation is a dangerous thing

Paul Volcker, head of the Federal Reserve

Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve

Ouch! It's even worse than we thought – or perhaps that should read what forecasters thought. For most of us, news that CPI inflation last month reached 5.2pc won't come as much of a surprise; it's been obvious from our utility bills and shopping baskets for some time now. The older, RPI measure of inflation is worse still, at 5.6pc.

And still the Bank of England likes to pretend it's trying to meet the inflation target. More monetary stimulus in the form of a further £75bn of "quantitative easing", with the inflation rate at 5.6pc? If the economic bind the country finds itself in were not so serious, it would be almost laughable.

Everyone expects inflation to come down sharply over the next year, as the current round of fuel price increases and the January hike in VAT work their way out of the index, but then the Bank, the Government and most City analysts have consistently underestimated inflation for the best past of the last three years. What reason do we have to believe them now?

Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, has long argued that to have taken the action necessary to keep inflation on target would have meant inducing a recession and therefore well below target inflation further out. The elevated inflation we are enduring now is framed as part of a necessary adjustment to living standards as the country adapts to its plainly more straitened circumstances.

It is also sometimes argued in justification for the present "blind eye" approach to inflation, though not by the Bank itself, that it provides a way of gently inflating away the country's debt burden. The first argument may hold more water than the second, but both look questionable.

The problem with inflation, repeated historical experience has demonstrated, is that once out of the bag, it is extremely difficult to put back in. There is only so much wage erosion through inflation that people will take before they start to demand compensating pay rises. True enough, fear of unemployment has been sufficient to deter widespread inflationary pay increases so far, but there have been a number of instances of key worker groups managing to obtain them. The danger is that relatively high inflation creates a kind of wage apartheid of those who are able to keep up with inflation and those who can't – mainly the unskilled and those who live off their savings.

It is also impossible to believe that the almost unprecedented amounts of liquidity that have been provided by central banks to western economies over the past three years – and continues to be so – will not in time prove highly inflationary. And even if in the fullness of time it has demonstrably proved only mildly inflationary, as its supporters claim it will, it doesn't necesssarily vindicate the policy.

Here's Paul Volcker, the Federal Reserve chairman credited with finally exorcising the inflation of the 1970s and early 80s from the US economy, writing recently in the New York Times.

My point is not that we are on the edge today of serious inflation, which is unlikely if the Fed remains vigilant. Rather, the danger is that if, in desperation, we turn to deliberately seeking inflation to solve real problems — our economic imbalances, sluggish productivity, and excessive leverage — we would soon find that a little inflation doesn’t work. Then the instinct will be to do a little more — a seemingly temporary and “reasonable” 4 percent becomes 5, and then 6 and so on.

No, inflation is never an economic panacea. Nor does it even help with the debt burden. If wages aren't matching inflation, then it is of no help in eroding the nominal value of household debt, and if taxes aren't keeping pace with inflation, then the same goes for government debt. Worse, many forms of government spending, most notably the bulk of benefit entitlements, are linked to inflation, so that we now have the absurdity of benefit claimants being better protected against price increases than wage earners.

These figures are not just uncomfortable for the Bank of England and the Government. They are a disaster. It took twenty years finally to exorcise the ghost of Britain's post war inflationary past, and to win credibility as a stable, low inflation economy. All that work is in danger of being thrown away

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