Friday, October 21, 2011

California employers add 11,800 new jobs in September


California's unemployment rate dipped below 12% in September, and nearly 12,000 new jobs were created.

The jobless rate fell to 11.9%, from 12.1% in August, according to the California Employment Development Department.

Non-farm jobs totaled 14.1 million, a jump of 11,800 over August. In August, the state gained 21,100, according to EDD data that was revised upward.

Interactive: California’s unemployment rate by county

In all, California employers have added 250,600 net new jobs during the past 12 months. The trend over the last two months is modestly encouraging, said Howard Roth, chief economist for the state Department of Finance.

"I'd say it's a good gain in jobs, better than what we've been getting," he said.

Five categories of employment rose in September, with the biggest increase in professional and business services at 13,300. Six categories lost employment, including manufacturing, information, financial and health services. The largest decrease was in the government, a loss of 7,000 jobs.

California in September had the second-highest unemployment rate in the nation, behind only Nevada with 13.4%. North Dakota had the lowest rate at 3.5%, while the national rate was 9.1%.

Unemployment in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale metropolitan area was 12.4%.


Unemployed Californians face benefit losses

California job centers must devote more money to training

California unemployment rate hits 12.1% as employers slash jobs

-- Marc Lifsher

Photo: Job-seekers meet with recruiters at a Dell career fair in Santa Clara.  Credit: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

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