Thursday, October 6, 2011

Apple stock wavers after death of Steve Jobs

Shares of Apple Inc., wavered on the first day of trading after the death of the company's former chief executive, Steve Jobs.

Apple stock was recently trading up 0.4%, or $1.36, to $379.61 after dropping to as low as $372.58 at one point. After falling sharply immediately after the markets opened, Apple stock has largely moved parallel to broader stock indexes, which also wavered this morning.

Jobs, who is given credit for Apple's unmatched record of innovation, went on extended medical leave earlier this year and stepped down from his job atop Apple in August, handing the reins to Tim Cook. But Jobs stayed on as chairman and had been expected to remain involved in the company's work moving forward. 

Jobs turned Apple into the second-most-valuable U.S. publicly traded company, after Exxon Mobil Corp., The Cupertino, Calif.-based company briefly took the top spot earlier this year.


Tech pioneer Steve Jobs dies at 56

Memorial grows at Apple headquarters

Jobs' genius paid off for Apple stockholders

-- Nathaniel Popper in New York

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