Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wall Street Roundup: Madoff and Harvard. JPMorgan and Legos.

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Gold: Trading now at $1,817 an ounce, down 3.0% from Tuesday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 11283.02, up 1.3% from Tuesday.

Bank of America shakeup. The best heads on Wall Street are trying to divine the meaning behind Tuesday's shakeup at Bank of America and determine what it says about the troubled bank's future.

Goldman headaches. A former Goldman executive and current New York University professor is calling for Goldman Sachs to be broken up -- meanwhile, the Manhattan district attorney is stepping up its probe of the bank.

Harvard and Madoff. Harvard initially denied that one of its professors is working with Bernie Madoff on a project -- but has learned that in this instance, Madoff was telling the truth. 

JPMorgan and Legos. An analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co. used Legos to illustrate the European financial crisis in his latest research report.

-- Nathaniel Popper

Photo credit: Getty Images/Stan Honda

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