Friday, September 30, 2011

Wall Street: Bad quarter ends with stocks and gold falling

Wall Street
Gold: Trading now at $1,615 an ounce, down 0.1% from Thursday. Dow Jones industrial average: Trading now at 11,064.89, down 0.8% from Thursday.

Goodbye to a bad quarter. As the worst quarter for stocks since the financial crisis comes to a close, investors are showing some pessimism today.

Investors turn on Obama. President Obama's favorability ratings among investors have plummeted in recent months, though he can take consolation in approval among investors for his plan to tax those earning $1 million-plus a year. 

DJ + S&P. The two kings of the stock index world -- Standard & Poor's and Dow Jones -- are talking about joining forces.

-- Nathaniel Popper in New York

Photo credit: Stan Honda / Getty Images

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