Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Videos shed light on complexities of healthcare reform

The federal healthcare overhaul signed by President Obama last year contains dozens of policies and programs intended to expand health coverage and to pare the cost of healthcare.

The law, for example, will require most Americans to carry health insurance starting in 2014 and bar insurers from rejecting policyholders because of preexisting health conditions. Under the reform, new online state insurance “exchanges” also will be established so consumers can shop for the best insurance deals. 

To help the public sort out the complexities, the California Healthcare Foundation has produced six short videos that tackle some of the law’s most important aspects.

The videos offer a primer on such things as changes coming to insurance markets, new employer responsibilities to provide health insurance for workers, and the insurance exchanges, where consumers can determine their eligibility for government subsidies.

An estimated 32 million Americans without insurance will be eligible for coverage starting in 2014. That includes as many as 3 million Californians, foundation leaders say.

Many of these people will likely have questions as they navigate the often confusing healthcare world.

The foundation hopes its videos will provide some answers. To view them, go to


Census: Nearly 1 in 5 Californians lack health insurance

U.S. employers expand health benefits coverage under reform

Good news for Californians with preexisting medical conditions

-- Duke Helfand

Photo credit: Los Angeles Times

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