Thursday, September 8, 2011

Los Angeles area foreclosure rates decline in June

Foreclosure rates
Foreclosure rates in the Los Angeles area were down for the month of June when compared with their levels a year ago, a data firm said Thursday.

For outstanding mortgage loans in the Los Angeles area, about 2.64% were in foreclosure compared with 2.93% the year prior, according to Santa Ana-based research firm CoreLogic.

Nationally, the foreclosure rate for mortgage loans was 3.46% in June.

The percentage of loans going into delinquency -- meaning the number of people falling behind on their mortgages -- also fell in June from the year prior. According to CoreLogic, 8.13% of mortgage loans were 90 days or more delinquent compared with 10.62% in June 2010, representing a sizable drop of 2.49%.

Nationally, the delinquency rate was 7.22%.


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-- Alejandro Lazo

Graphic: A breakdown of foreclosure rates in the Los Angeles area by ZIP Code. Credit: CoreLogic

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