Monday, August 8, 2011

IRS: Nearly 1,500 millionaires paid no federal income tax in 2009

Taxes Millionaires and billionaires -- or at least the ones who file tax returns -- are a relative rarity, according to a recent report from the Internal Revenue Service.

Of 140 million taxpayers, just over 0.1% -- or 8,274 total -- made more than $10 million in 2009, according to the agency. More than 235,000 taxpayers earned $1 million or more.

But 1,470 millionaires paid no federal income tax, many likely due to heavy charity donations or foreign investments.

About 46% of all American households won’t pay federal income tax in 2011, many due to low income, tax credits for child care and exemptions, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

In the meantime, during what many are now suggesting may have been the first part of a double-dip recession, the IRS said nearly 2 million people dropped out of the taxpaying pool.

Rising layoffs are partly to blame. Nearly 11.3 million taxpayers collected unemployment benefits in 2009. The amount of benefits paid out nearly doubled to $83 million.

Adjusted gross income fell $636.4 billion, or 7.7%, from 2008 to 2009, while the average American income slipped more than 6% to $54,283. More than 97% of returns reported earnings of less than $200,000.

Even gambling returns slipped, down nearly 13% to about $24 million.


The return of the millionaires

L.A. millionaires trail New York's

-- Tiffany Hsu

Photo: Daniel Acker / Bloomberg

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