Thursday, August 25, 2011

Halliburton adding 11,000 jobs


Halliburton has some good news for the dire U.S. employment picture.

The oil services and equipment company expects to hire 11,000 workers in North America in 2011, said Jim Brown, president of Halliburton's Western Hemisphere division.

In an interview with "Mad Money" TV show host Jim Cramer, Brown said Halliburton is hiring in several fields and considering those with little education to advanced degrees. Most of the jobs will be in North Dakota.

"If you have a willingness to work and an aptitude to learn with a high-school education, within a year and a half, two years, you can become a front-line supervisor. That job will pay $125,000, $130,000 a year," Brown said. "It's a tremendous opportunity. You [have] got to come to North Dakota, but what we're doing here, we're replicating across the nation."

Halliburton sells products and services used in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas throughout the world.


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--Stuart Pfeifer 

Photo: Worker at site run by Halliburton in Colorado. Credit: Associated Press

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